
Ethical issues in medicine have received increasing attention since the release of the Declaration of Helsinki in 1964. Today’s research on humans in Switzerland requires knowledge of ethical regulations and approval by ethical bodies. Researchers in the Department of Anaesthesiology and Pain Medicine are required to complete e-Learning modules on medical ethics offered by TRREE (see below). Below you’ll find links to some organizations providing information that can be helpful in both patient care and research.

COPE—Committee on Publication Ethics
COPE is an international organization that provides information and leadership on ethical issues, including practical resources such as flow charts to educate and support members. Membership is open to both scientific journals and individuals.

Declaration of Helsinki

Human Research Act
The Federal Act on Research Involving Human Beings provides guidelines for research on human subjects in Switzerland. It was last revised on January 1, 2014.
KEK—Kantonale Ethikkommission
KEK is a government agency responsible for the ethical aspects of research projects involving human subjects in the Canton of Bern, Switzerland, and for German-language projects in the cantons of Fribourg and Wallis. It evaluates whether the ethical, scientific and legal requirements of the Swiss Human Research Act are fulfilled. Website in German and French.

The association of research ethics committees responsible for evaluating research on human subjects in Switzerland. Its members are all the recognized regional/cantonal ethics committees of Switzerland. Its website includes numerous links to medical and ethical organizations.
TRREE—Training and Resources in Research Ethics Evaluation
The primary goal of these training modules is to provide training and resources to those who ensure the protection of the rights and interests of individuals and communities serving as participants in health research.