Medical Education

More and more medical specialties have a specific vision of how their practitioners should be educated. In anaesthesia in particular, a range of new approaches have been developed. Medical education covers everything from how to teach specific competences up to overall mastery of the specialty. Through its Master of Medical Education programme, the University of Bern focusses specifically on incorporating science and research in its approach to teaching and learning in medicine.

Our research focus

One topic of interest at the Bern University Hospital is how clinical skills can be learned more easily and taught up to a higher level of competence. In a large simulation centre, the Medical Education research group works with the University of Bern’s Institute of Psychology to investigate how debriefing triggers learning outcomes. In another project, we collaborate with the Bern University of Applied Sciences School of Midwifery to investigate how interprofessional attitudes can be changed by simulation and how these changes can be measured. A key point of interest is the translation of learned competences from simulation into clinical practice. Yet another focus of our educational research is the teaching of CPR. Our group investigates the way basic skills are acquired, what group size is suitable to learn these skills, and how the competences can be assessed.


  • School of Midwifery, Bern University of Applied Sciences – Dorothée Eichenberger zur Bonsen, Eva Cignacco
  • Institute of Psychology, Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, University of Bern – Sandra Abegglen, Hans Znoj
  • European Resuscitation Council Research NET – Bernd Böttiger
  • Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, Bern Children’s Hospital – Francis Ulmer
  • Institute of Medical Education, University of Bern – Sören Huwendiek
  • Institute of Primary Health Care (BIHAM), University of Bern – Roman Hari